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Meet the blogger: Eno Kwatemaa


Hello, I'm Eno Kwatemaa, a Ghanaian from the Ashanti and Upper West Regions. I speak three languages, including Twi, Waali, and Dagaati.

This is not about leaving my job to travel the world but, in this case, exploring Ghana. I've been to 13 out of 16 regions, lived in three regions for a considerable number of years, and visited over 30 destinations across the country.

My favourite destination is the Western Region, known for its clean and pristine beaches. Fufu with Ab3nkwan (palmnut soup) and Tuozaafi (TZ) are my favourite local Ghanaian foods.

While I hope to travel the world someday, my current focus is showcasing my country to the world. By day, I'm a communicator; by night, a content creator and travel blogger. With a degree in communications, I aspire to become a digital communications specialist and perhaps a digital nomad.

Passionate about visual storytelling, I believe every second of a video is a canvas for a unique story. Welcome to my world of travel and content creation, where every moment and destination is a new chapter.

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